Eurovision Song Contest kann man jetzt studieren – in Australien

Der ESC ist für die Australier wirklich ein großes Ding. Seit 1974 wird die Show dort jedes Jahr übertragen. Und nicht nur, dass sie dieses Jahr in Österreich mit antreten (Australien schickt seinen Kandidaten direkt zum Finale am 23. Mai in Wien und soll auch voll stimmberechtigt sein). An der University of Melbourne kann man Eurovision Song Contest jetzt sogar studieren, in diesem Sommersemester, was deren Wintersemester ist, wie auch immer.

Aus dem KVV:

This subject introduces students to Europe through the prism of its biggest annual media extravaganza, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC). This pan-European event attracts more than 40 participating countries and hundreds of millions of viewers around the world. The ESC offers a rich site for exploring many issues at the core of Europe today: the expansion of the European Union, the integration of Europe as well as the ‘nation branding’ of new participating states. Through a series of case studies, this subject will examine a range of dimensions of Europe, including language, culture, diversity, the national and the transnational, as well as issues of gender and sexuality.

At the end of this subjects students will:
– acquire an in-depth knowledge of the history and development of Europe through the prism of the Eurovision Song contest;
– develop a critical appreciation of how issues such as the integration of Europe and the nation branding of states are reflected in the Eurovision Song Contest;
– acquire the ability to communicate effectively about issues relating to the Eurovision Song Contest;
– acquire critical thinking and analytical skills

Und nicht „ten“ or „twelve points“, dieser Kurs bringt bei erfolgreicher Teilnahme gar nicht mal so sparsame 12,5 Credit Points.

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